Guided by Elders

NPC Pastoral Team

The Elders refer to the leadership team led by the Pastor. This team oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church. This team serves the congregation and is responsible for the development of the spiritual life of the church.

All elders/leaders are responsible to model a Godly lifestyle, provide a prayer shield for the members, defend and protect the integrity of the church, pray for the sick, mediate disputes, counsel, and represent the church to the community.

Protected by Trustees

NPC Financial Team

The Trustees are appointed by the Senior Pastor to oversee the finances. They provide counsel to the Pastor regarding the major financial commitments of the church.

Strengthened by Overseers

The Overseers are pastors of respected congregations and ministries who love Northpoint Church and its pastor and are willing to provide spiritual protection to the church. They may be called in to help in accountability matters relating to the Senior Pastor if requested to do so by the Elders or Trustees.