First time Guests

Welcome to NPC!

Whether in person or online, we are so thankful that you decided to join us today. Our prayer is that you and your family would meet with Jesus and encounter His presence today. 

What We Believe

The Local Church
We believe that God has chosen the local church to represent His life and His love to the community. Through strong, growing, healthy local churches, people should have the opportunity to hear the Gospel, come to know Jesus Christ, become a part of the body of believers and be discipled. At Northpoint Church, our first priority is to be a thriving local church for the people of the New Braunfels area.

Sound Doctrine
Northpoint Church is a Bible-believing church. We believe God has revealed Himself through the Scriptures, and that the Scriptures are to be taught using sound, life-giving doctrine. We believe every portion of Scripture, including God' work through the people of Israel, the birth, life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the mission of the body of believers and the ministering work of the Holy Spirit in the world today.

Tell us about yourself!

Thank you!