
Step 1: Watch

Week 1

Week 3

Week 4

Week 2

Steps to Become a Partner

1. Watch the Partnership Series (5 videos).
2. Review our Statement of Faith & NPC Structure.
3. Sign the Partnership Agreement. 
4. Meet with our pastoral team. We'll reach out to schedule time with you after we review your form.


npc structure

partnership agreement

Week 5

Interested in PartnershiP?

Step 2: REview

Step 3: Sign

Welcome to the NPC Partnership page. Partnership is about taking a deeper step into our church family. It's more than just membership; it's about actively embracing NPC's vision, values, and community. As partners, we commit to serving, supporting, and growing together, guided by biblical principles and leadership. It's a journey of mutual respect, accountability, and love. If you're considering joining us in partnership, explore what it means to walk alongside us in faith, service, and fellowship. We're excited to take this journey with you!